Prompt cards are the fundamental building blocks in ModularMind. They contain text that can be instructions for AI models or data to be processed. Prompt cards are versatile and can be used individually or combined in stacks and chains to create complex workflows.

ModularMind offers a built-in prompt library to help you organize and reuse your prompts efficiently.


While there aren’t specialized prompt types, prompts can serve various purposes:

Instructions: Directions for the AI model on what to do or how to process information.
Data: Information to be analyzed or used by the model.
Context: Background information to help the model understand the task better.

Prompts with text, imported web page and Google Doc

Creating a Prompt

You can add prompts directly to your library by clicking the New Prompt button the bottom left corner of the Library panel. You can also right click on your board and choose Add Prompt to quickly add a prompt card to the board to get started.

Adding a prompt

In the Add Prompt panel, you can craft your prompt by typing in the text field, importing documents or webpages.

In the panel you have:

  • Title: Give your prompt a descriptive title for easy reference.
  • Prompt Field: Type or paste your prompt text directly into the panel.
  • Import Options:
    • Local Files: Import text files, CSVs, or PDFs from your device.
    • Google Docs/Sheets: Link and import content from Google Drive (updates dynamically).
    • Webpages: Import content from URLs. ModularMind will extract the information from the page each time your workflow runs. This ensures you always have the latest data from the source.

Add a prompt panel

When importing Google documents or web pages, the prompt card will have a distinct visual design, making it easy to identify the source at a glance.

Manually typing a URL into the prompt text field works the same as using the “Import a Web Page” function. The latter creates a distinct prompt card design for web pages.

Editing a Prompt

You can click on a prompt card to reveal the details. Here you can see the whole prompt text, and click on the Edit button at the bottom to make changes. You can also edit the prompt directly by hovering over the prompt card and clicking the pencil icon.

Editing a prompt


The library is where you can manage and organize your workflow components. You can create folders to categorize your prompts, stacks and chains, making it easier to find and reuse them in your workflows.

As well as directly adding prompts to the library, you can also use the Save to Library button in the prompt details panel, or the same button on stack or chain menus to save them for later use. You can also save the outputs of AI models as prompts to reuse them in other workflows.

Add prompts to library

Save stacks and chains to library

Best Practices

  • Be clear and specific in your instructions.
  • Use XML tags to separate different parts of your prompt (e.g., <instruction>, <context>, <example>).
  • Provide relevant context or examples to improve model’s performance.
  • Experiment with different phrasings to optimize results.
  • Keep prompts modular for easy reuse and combination in various workflows. The flexibility of prompts in ModularMind allows you to create powerful, customized AI workflows tailored to your specific needs.
  • Use your Prompt Library to save and categorize frequently used prompts.
  • Create folders to structure your prompt collection.

By mastering the use of prompt cards, you’ll be able to harness the full power of ModularMind and create sophisticated AI-powered workflows tailored to your needs.